Slow Travel Airlines - Seating Plans
We offer seats to suit every traveler !!
Stacking Bunk Zone
For a relaxing yet economical flight--try our new Stacking Bunk Zone (choice of six or twelve "SlowStack" TM bunks to each unit), where you can fully stretch out, yet still retain the 2-inch-away intimacy of standard seating, arriving refreshed at your destination.

Mmm...don't they look comfy - recline all you want!
Personal Containment Stations
Our Personal Containment Stations (PCS), offering the feature of having yourself shrink-wrapped, will further enhance your trip. Regardless of whether your seatmates have questionable personal hygiene, objectionable dietary habits, or if they are incubating tuberculosis, you will enjoy a bother-free flight experience . We are also offering an additional shrink wrapping option in First Class, by which the highest-bidding passenger may choose to have their seatmates shrink-wrapped.

It only takes a few minutes - no annoying contact with germs!
Concentric Circles
Begin your Slow Travel experience not only by slowing down on the flight, but by discovering your first set of Concentric Circles! Seating on all SlowAir flights is organized, from smallest unit to largest, into the following "communities":
Intimates - those who are only "one person away," with whom you can share your most intimate thoughts, behavior, and deodorant
Friends - those seated close enough so that you can inspect what they are eating, reading, watching, or thinking, and with whom you can enjoy appropriate Slow banter
Neighbors - people enjoying the same class of service who can be organized, if need be, to confront flight attendants on important issues (e.g. too hot, too cold, choice of movie, bumpy flight, etc.)
Contrade (on some flights, "Arrondisements") - this category includes others on the same flight who share your economic or political views, astrological signs or ethnic background. These groups, which include appropriately positioned flight attendants, can be rallied in the event of an insurrection.
SlowWorld - this group includes all on the flight who subscribe to the Slow Travel philosophy. Anyone who does not should be quickly shrink-wrapped, attached to a parachute, and quietly thrown overboard
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